
A compilation of foundational resources to inform PPPs

Resources Authored by MITRE Subject Matter Experts
Works Cited

This lists the works cited in brackets [] on the following P3TK pages

Collaboration Model

[1] Collaboration Model based on Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice (Ansell and Gash 2008)

PPPs Defined 

[1] Brinkerhoff, D.W. and Brinkerhoff, J.M. (2011). “Public–private partnerships: perspectives on purposes, publicness, and good governance.” Public Administration and Development 31(1): 2-14. Accessed at

[2] U.S. Department of State, State of Global Partnerships Report 2016. Accessed at


Selected public websites addressing some aspect of PPPs (note term often refers to public infrastructure PPPs rather than information sharing PPPs, the focus of P3TK).

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